15 hours ago
Oscar de la Renta
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
I started a post a while back about this article on Mr. de la Renta and his home in Kent, Connecticut. As a person who hopes to one day have a beautiful garden, I found his process of learning to garden through trial and error inspiring. A truly talented man that will be greatly missed.
The Hills ARE alive
Friday, October 10, 2014
It is no secret that the Sound of Music is my all-time favorite movie. I probably still know every song from watching it constantly as a child, so imagine my reaction to learning that Chanel, my all-time favorite fashion label, will be presenting the the next collection in Austria at the house used in the Sound of Music...BEST DAY EVER!!!
Gallery walls
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
I am obsessed with gallery walls. I have been working on several in our house,
but they are all pretty sad looking at the moment, so I am not sharing any
personal photos.
However, below are three images that have inspired me to make some serious progress on my own gallery wall.