office space

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our office is technically a bedroom (you know, because it has a closet) however, it has nice big windows and is off the kitchen so it is going to be perfect as our office.

Here are the pictures of it from the real estate listing...

So here is the plan...

This corner of the room is going to end up looking like this:

From Pinterest
And then this side of the room.

Is going to hopefully be transitioned into this desk area soon:

Obviously, I have some work to do. Also, I love the bright paint color behind the bookshelf in that picture, so I am thinking mint green might be nice a nice choice for this room.

pardon the interruption

I apologize for the month long sabbatical. See what happened was...we bought a house!!!!

Here are some of the pictures from the original listing.

Isn't it just the cutest little ranch ever!

The living room
The dining room

So this large purchase we just made has been keeping us very busy; however, it is definitely worth it! I have big plans for all of the rooms, so get ready...